Marriage Service
Please Note you will need to make an appointment for ceremony, Nikkah will be performed in mosque.
Please make sure you make an appointment for at least 15 days in advance.
Nikkah ceremony performed at wolverton mosque will be Civil registered and there will be no legal requirement for additional registration at registry office.
Please note: we require Proof of ID and Address for Civil marriage registration.
Also you are required to arrange for:
– Wali (The guardian)  Acceptance and/or his Attendance.
– Amount of Assadaaq (the dowery) agreed upon (as it will be mentioned in the certificate)
– The conditions if any,
– Two males Muslim witnesses with their IDs.
Getting married ? Ready for most important lifetime event.
We would be delighted to be part of your transition into married life. We can perform the marriage ceremony and provide advice and guidance to the couple.

Funeral / Burial Service
Central Jamia Mosque provides full funeral services from body pick up from hospital to burial (Graveyard) and also provide hall space for grievance before and after funeral for grieving family and friends. There are separate halls for ladies and gents.
We also arrange for deceased to be taken abroad.
Our staff are professional and exceptionally diligent in their approach to such a sensitive time. The service provided is of a high standard with the majority of provisions included. Everything you require to carry out the funeral arrangements can be accommodated for by MKCJM.
Ghusal Service or guidance accordance to sunnah can be provided if required, We also have freezer to keep body in mosque if required.
If you require any of these services then please make the funeral director aware at time of arrangement.
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The reasons which make great number of people become Muslims.
- It is the last Divine Religion revealed to man.
- Islam recognizes previous divine revelations. On the other hand, Jews do not recognize Jesus, and the Christians do not recognize Muhammad; whereas, Muslims recognize Moses and Jesus, may Allah exalt their mention.
- In Islam humans relates with their Lord in all matters and conditions.
- Islam is the only Religion which has not been distorted or changed.
- Islam satisfies the man’s bodily and spiritual needs in equilibrium. It refuses that one aspect be given precedence over the other.
Prince Charles said:
‘Islam can teach us today a way of understanding and living in the world which Christianity itself is poorer for having lost. Islam refuses to separate man and nature, religion and science, mind and matter.’ - Islam does not conflict with man\’s intellect and natural disposition.
- One of the proofs that Islam is a universal religion and that it is fit for all people at all times, regardless of their race or language it is the word of God:
‘O you who covers himself with a garment! Arise and warn. And your Lord glorify.’ (74:1-3)
This services is carried out by an Imam, who speaks with Individuals and assists them in Arabic and translation of Shah’dah which they follow and accept sincerely from their hearts. Anyone wishing to utilize this service should contact the committee or use contact us section to be in touch, alternatively you can post a question for an Imam to answer in ASK IMAM!.
Grant me the serenity to
Accept the things that
I cannot change
Courage to change the
Things I can
Wisdom to know the Difference
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Quick Links
Central Jamia Mosque
Wolverton Milton Keynes
14-16 Church Street, MK12 5JN
Mosque is open from 1 hours before Fajr till 2 hours after Isha
Phone:Â 01908 221 341